Abyssinian Seif

Abyssinian Seif
Amhara / Oromo
Abyssinia (Ethiopia)
Late 19th - Early 20th century (ca. 1890 - 1910)
Iron, horn (bovine), brass
Blade: 79,7cm
Hilt & Blade: 92,1cm
Hilt, Blade, Sheath: -cm
Collection Date: 2024
Collection Number: 419

A seif or sword from the Abyssinian Empire of Ethiopia. This one dates to about 1890 - 1910. The blade is well decorated. Double- edged steel with two central fullers extending almost to the point with a medial ridge present along the remainder. The fullers are decorated within by elaborate floral and vine etchings. The front side has a stamped crown at the base. The ricasso with untranslated Amharic script, a stamp of the Lion of Judah, and "DEPOSÉ" (registered design). On the reserve side, the top half is floral and vine etchings. The lower half is an untranslated panel of Amharic calligraphy in the form of a Coptic verse. The ricasso stamped, "S. TERZIAN. " Bovine horn carved hilt with a domed brass cap with scrolls.

The blade is a German import, stamped with "S. Terzian", for Sarkis Terzian (1868 - 1915). Tarzian was an Armenian arms dealer who lived in Ethiopia in the late 19th to early 20th century. His work included the procurement of large quantities of arms from Europe for the forces of Menelik II.