Southern Iraq Khanjar
Southern Iraqi Khanjar
Ahwari (Ma'dān)
Basra (?), Kingdom of Iraq
Second quarter of the 20th century
Steel, horn, wood, leather
Blade: 19,7cm
Hilt & Blade: 35,6cm
Hilt, Blade, Sheath: 36,8cm
Collection Date: 2016
Collection Number: 69
Ex. Late Lew Waldman Collection: Fayetteville, New York, USA (2016)
A very good quality Southern Iraq khanjar likely from around the Basra area used by the Ahwari (Ma'dān), also referred to the Marsh Arabs that inhabit the Mesopotamian marshlands of Southern Iraq.
The double- edged curved steel blade has a prominent central ridge that follows into the point. Hilt carved from buffalo horn having a dark hue coloring with lighter brown grain fibers. The central grip is spiraled while the pommel is flared in the traditional manner. Wooden sheath covered in an embossed red leather. A quality and solid Southern Iraqi khanjar dating from the early to middle 20th century.