Maghrebi Qu'ran Manuscript Leaf
Maghrebi Qu'ran Manuscript Leaf
Surah Az- Zukhruf
Kingdom of Morocco
17th - 18th century
Paper, ink
Work: 22,2cm X 17,8cm
Work & Frame: 39,4cm X 34,9cm
Collection Date: 2010
Collection Number: 127
Maghrebi Qu'ran manuscript leaf from the Kingdom of Morocco, 17th to 18th century, portrayed in beautiful handwritten calligraphy. The script of Surah Az- Zukhruf written in ink on paper, 14 lines to the page. Bordered within a single blue line against a double red interior line. Black ink with diacritics, vowel points, and verses in blue, green, red, and orange accents. Illuminated device richly decorated on the outside margin. Surah heading written in Eastern Kufic script in orange boldface. Framed in wood with acrylic glazing. Containing worm holes and taped edges. Purchased from Saida, Lebanon, the script was fortunate to survive through the 2006 War without being destroyed, according to the previous owner there.
Az- Zukhruf, "Ornaments of Gold, Luxury," is the 43rd chapter (surah), of the Qu'ran. It contains 89 verses. Ornaments of Gold is a Surah that acts as a reminder to believers that the goodness of God can not be found within wealth and material power.