Kuba Ilwoon (Ilondo) Prestige Sword
Kuba Ilwoon (Ilondo) Prestige Sword
Kuba / Lele / Mbala
Kasaï - Sankuru River Region - Kasaï District, Congo Free State (Kasaï, Democratic Republic of the Congo)
Late 19th century - Early 20th century (ca. 1880 - 1910)
Wood, iron, copper
Blade: 44,5cm
Hilt & Blade: 64,8cm
Hilt, Blade, Sheath: -cm
Collection Date: 2022
Collection Number: 292
A rare battle sword of the Kuba People known as the ilwoon, later used in the 20th century as a prestige and dancing implement. The long double- edged iron blade has a strong convexed medial ridge with fine incised triangular and linear decorations at its flared squared tip. One hole in the center where I believe may have had a copper plug at one time.
Large wooden hilt decorated with a copper central grip and tacked in rows of copper strips. Disc- shaped copper pommel cap and prong. Missing the iron hilt collar. A rare prestige sword with nice decorative copper adornments for one of power and authority.
“Beauté Fatale. 1992. “Armes d’ Afrique Centrale”. Page 227 - 228: #432
Fischer, Werner. Zirngibl, Manfred. 1978. “African Weapons”. Page 158. Cat. 286
Spring, Christopher. 1993. “African Arms and Armor”. Page 88