Fine Mangbetu Prestige Sape

Fine Mangbetu Prestige Sape
Mangbetu People
Orientale Province, Congo Free State - Belgian Congo (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
Early 20th century
Steel, elephant ivory
Blade: 25,4cm
Hilt & Blade: 33,7cm
Hilt, Blade, Sheath: -cm
Collection Date: 2022

Ex. Denis Kariger: Bonavoir: Bordeaux, France (2022)
Ex. Scott Bergmans Collection: Lommel, Belgium
Ex. (Jean Marc) JM Desaive Collection: Belgium
Ex. Michel Mouvet Collection: Belgium

A fine Mangbetu knife known as a sape. This one is larger than the average example. The steel blade is leaf shaped, double- edged with a medial ridge, tapering to a point. A circular cutout hole is in the center toward the base of the blade. Metal worked bolster. One piece carved hilt of elephant ivory.