Fine Mangbetu Prestige Sape
Fine Mangbetu Prestige Sape
Mangbetu People
Orientale Province, Congo Free State - Belgian Congo (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
Early 20th century
Steel, elephant ivory
Blade: 25,4cm
Hilt & Blade: 33,7cm
Hilt, Blade, Sheath: -cm
Collection Date: 2022
Ex. Denis Kariger: Bonavoir: Bordeaux, France (2022)
Ex. Scott Bergmans Collection: Lommel, Belgium
Ex. (Jean Marc) JM Desaive Collection: Belgium
Ex. Michel Mouvet Collection: Belgium
A fine Mangbetu knife known as a sape. This one is larger than the average example. The steel blade is leaf shaped, double- edged with a medial ridge, tapering to a point. A circular cutout hole is in the center toward the base of the blade. Metal worked bolster. One piece carved hilt of elephant ivory.
W. O. Oldman. “Illustrated Catalogue of Ethnographic Specimens”. List No. 74; Item #20 (17759)