
Somaliland (Somalia)
Somali / Dervish kingdom
Late 19th century (ca. 1880 - 1900)
Horn, copper, brass, zinc, iron, leather
Blade: 24,1cm
Hilt & Blade: 41,3cm
Hilt, Blade, Sheath: 42,2cm
Collection Date: 2024
Collection Number: 445

An old example of the Somali billao knife from the Horn of Africa during the Somali Dervish uprisings period. The steel blade is very wide, and the iron is hand forged. Double- edged, leaf- shaped asymmetrical blade with a medial ridge, tapering into a point. The hilt is carved from dark buffalo horn with the upper part displaying a beautiful light transluscent tone. The two horn sections are separated by copper and zinc spacers. Squeezed between the blade and the hilt is an iron ferrule. The hilt ends with an iron three- pronged pommel with a central spike that has a brass tip.

The goat hide sheath is decorated in leather strands on the top and bottom. The remnants of the original red leather belt are attached, although in fragile condition. An old fighting example of large proportions with a wide blade and very good quality steel. From the late 19th century.

Photograph 10: Dervish warrior.